12. joulukuuta 2024

Marian oppilas Paula - uusi 1:12 nukke

Maria Peippo opettaa pianonsoittoa kotonaan, Willa Helmen talossa. Hänellä on muutama kuvitteellinen oppilas, joista ensimmäinen on nyt posliininukkena. Hän on suloinen tyttö Paula Pedal, jolla on suorat ja pitkät vaaleat hiukset, hopeanharmaat housut, ruskeat kengät, valkoinen tyylikäs takki, pinkki toppi ja musta hiusnauha. 

Nukkien nimet eivät ole sattumaa, vaan kaikki nimet on valittu sen mukaan, miten nimet mielestäni sopivat juuri kyseisille nukeille tai mielikuvitushahmoille. Suurimman osan nimistä olen muistanut tai keksinyt, mutta jotkut Kukkakylän asukkaiden nimet olen poiminut 1800-luvun suomalaisesta kalenterista, kuten Gerhard, Gregorius, Gertrud, Felix ja Gunilla. Mietin, ovatkohan nuo nimet tulleet Suomeen aikoinaan Saksasta ? Tällä sivulla on kaikkien Kukkakylän asukkaiden nimet ja ammatit. Eräällä asukkaalla on esi-äitini nimi, hän syntyi 1800-luvulla. 

Maria ja Paula elävät aika lailla nykyaikaa, mutta Maria on 'luonteeltaan' perinteitä arvostava.

Oppilas Paula Pedal ja opettaja Maria Peippo, sekä koirulit Lili ja Lulu.

2 kommenttia:

  1. So nice that Maria has a pupil for her piano lessons, Mummu, the pupil looks so lovely in her new modern clothes, great job! And I think it's also cosy for Maria, a visitor to her home, because it's always dark in winter in Finland ;).
    Regarding to the names list, in The Netherlands we now have lots of foreign cultures and therefore more foreign names than pure Dutch names. It's a pity, but the trend for Dutch people is now going back to traditional Dutch names, so there's still hope for the future ;).
    Have a nice evening, greetings, Ilona

    1. Hi Ilona, ​​thanks for the comment!
      Many names are international and I think that's nice. For example, your name is also a Finnish woman's name. Maria is Mary in English and it is used as the name Maria in many countries, at least since the time of Jesus.
      If you see the Spanish series 'La Promesa' on TV, there are names like Jana and Manuel, which resemble the Finnish names Jaana and Mauno. It is interesting that the same style of names are used in so many countries.
      We Finns are used to the fact that the days are short here in the winter.
      The snow brings light under Christmas and the Christmas lights in the windows look beautiful in the dark evening. Finland's nature is still clean and we have many forests and lakes.
      Finland is dear to me, and I would not complain about the natural phenomena here.
      The only thing I don't like is slippery weather, but those days don't happen very often.
      The Paula doll was bought ready-made, I didn't make it myself.
